Title: The Duke at Hazard (Gentlemen of Uncertain Fortune, #2)
Author: KJ Charles
Publisher: Orion
Release Date: July 18, 2024
Genre(s): M/M Historical
Page Count: 336
Rating: 5 stars out of 5
"Vernon Fortescue Cassian George de Vere Crosse, the fourth Duke of Severn, the Earl of Harmsford, Baron Crosse of Wotton, and Baron Vere walked into an inn. They were all the same man." But without his titles, Cassian is nondescript and quiet and all too aware that his own family thinks he has "no more knowledge of the world than a baby, and no more force of character either, and it is no surprise that you cannot manage without a retinue."
When a one-night stand in an inn results in Severn's ducal signet ring being stolen, Cass has to retrieve it and quickly.
Enter Daizell Charnage, Eton's golden boy when Cassian and he attended, a "glowing, laughing young trickster" with charm and charisma to spare. He's been cast out of proper society, due to his parent's actions, "but he'd blackened his own reputation as thoroughly [...] in a slow steady slide out of the Polite World and into disreputability that he couldn't seem to stop."
When they meet on the road, Cass hires Daizell to find his ring, and due to a scourge of One Bed Only nights at the inns along the way, they have time to explore a relationship that is so incredibly sweet at its core, until Daizell learns exactly who Cass is. But never fear, we get a glorious comeuppance and a well-deserved HEA.
I must admit I had to adjust my expectations from KJ Charles' often razor sharp characters (see Lucien Vaudrey from the Magpie Lord series) to these two gentle characters but it was such a wonderful read. 5 stars.
I received an ARC from the Publisher, via NetGalley,in exchange for an honest review.