Title: A Stitch in Time (2019 Advent Calendar | Homemade for the Holidays Book 28)
Author: Asta Idonea
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Release Date: December 1, 2019
Genre(s): Holiday, Contemporary Romance
Page Count: 24 Pages
Rating: 3.5 stars out of 5
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When Connor meets Finn, a guy who "belonged on a magazine cover, or in a movie, or maybe in a pantheon of Greek gods" at the community center, Connor can't let him know that he's taking a crochet class and he doesn't correct Finn's assumption that he's taking a boxing class. This very short story plays with perceptions and misconceptions about masculinity, attractiveness, skills, etc. and quickly ends with a HFN.
This story is very brief, without much character development and feels more like an excerpt than a complete work. But it is sweet and engaging and worth a read! 3.5 stars.
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