Chef's Mess (Anchor Point #3)

TitleChief's Mess (Anchor Point Book 3)
Author: L.A. Witt
Publisher: Riptide Publishing
Release Date: June 19th 2017
Genre(s): Contemporary Military Romance
Page Count: 291
Rating: 3 stars out of 5

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This is the third book in L.A. Witt's Anchor Point series but can easily be read as a stand-alone.

Anthony, an engineer from Denver, meets Noah in Anchor Point during his visit to support his sister Mandy, Clint's ex-wife from Afraid to Fly. Anthony comes off as a bit of an asshole and has no time for Clint, an alcoholic who put his sister through hell, and after spending the greater part of two days glaring at Clint, visits a gay bar where he runs into Noah.

Chief's Mess is a bit of a mess, plot-wise, but the sex? Dear gawd, the sex is plentiful and richly described. Anthony and Noah are positively platinum in the bedroom and their sexual chemistry is off the frickin' chart. These two men connect (and connect .... and connect) on a very basic primal level.

However, plot and character development get shoved aside by all that sex. Basically Anthony and Noah have sex, sext, Anthony flies back for a weekend, sexSEXsexSEX, more text and calls, more visits, sex ... rinse, lather, repeat. In a nutshell, the pace of the book is way too slow for the amount of plot and the character development is negligible. Around 75% of the book, Anthony begins to strongly suspect that Noah has a problem with alcohol and while there is a resolution and an epilogue that deals with this, it seems a little too late.

L.A. Witt and a military setting is a great fit, but this book did not work for me. 3 stars.

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