Hidden Treasures (Pinx Video Mysteries #2)

TitleHidden Treasures (Pinx Video Mysteries Book 2)
Author: Marshall Thornton
Publisher: Kenmore Books
Release Date: January 28, 2018
Genre(s): Murder / Mystery
Page Count: 229
Rating: 4.5 stars out of 5

Read book blurb here

Hidden Treasures takes place a few months after Night Drop in which we met Noah Valentine, the owner of Pinx Video, his neighbors Marc and Louis, their friend Leon, and of course Mr. Tall, Dark and Delicious - Detective Javier O'Shea (whom Noah runs into at Pride):
... found myself looking at the most gorgeous man I’d seen in a long time. He wore a pair of work boots with white socks, cutoffs and a tank top stuffed in his back pocket. His skin was brown and glistening. I didn’t even have to get near him to know he smelled of coconuts and lazy afternoons. I looked up into his caramel-colored eyes and said, “Crap.”
“Hello, Noah."
“Detective O’Shea.”
This time around the mystery involves a highly sought-after vintage 1940's dress ... and a few murders. I have to admit personally that the murder / mystery didn't grab my attention as thoroughly as the first book, but I absolutely love the interaction between the main characters and the oh, so slowly (maybe) developing attraction between Detective O'Shea and Noah.

I especially love getting to know Noah better. We learn that Noah is HIV positive at the end of the first book and in Hidden Treasures, Noah is dealing with taking AZT (nausea, low appetite, etc.) and seeing his health insurance skyrocket. He's also trying to get his mind around how Jeffer, who claimed to love him, could lie to him for so long. Jeffer did not protect him, and isn't that something you do ... protect the things you treasure?

 It hurts my heart to think of gentle, sweet Noah trying to keep his secret and spare his friends, although it appears they know more about Noah's relationship and health than they let on.

I highly recommend Hidden Treasures, can't wait for the next book, and hope Pinx Video Mystery series will have at least as many books as Thornton's fabulous Boystown Mysteries series! 4.5 stars.

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