Title: Kill Game (Seven of Spades Book 1)
Author: Cordelia Knightsbridge
Publisher: Riptide Publishing
Genre: Murder / Mystery, Law Enforcement
Release Date: October 23, 2017
Page Count: 304
Rating: 4.5 stars out of 5
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There is a lot to like about this well-crafted story of a serial killer, The Seven of Spades, who murders those they feel are guilty (and may not have been fully prosecuted), leaving a playing card - the seven of spades - on the dead bodies.
Detective Levi Abrams is fulfilling his dream of a job in law enforcement, while Stanton, his boyfriend of three years, fears for Levi's life daily. Stanton is a beautifully drawn secondary character - a man who knows Levi so well he regularly orders the perfect meal for him when they dine out, yet doesn't understand just how much Levi hates that Stanton does this. They love each other, but are beginning to realize that maybe love doesn't automatically make everything right.
Dominic Russo is a man of contradictions - a recovering gambler living in Las Vegas, a former Army Ranger at odds after serving two tours who becomes a bounty hunter. There is an absolutely sizzling sexual attraction between the two, but for most of the book Levi is still with Stanton. After Levi gets very drunk he kisses Dominic, who says:
"Stop. I'm not that guy. [...] The guy you cheat with because you're mad at your boyfriend. That's not me."And when they finally have sex at 80% into the story, it is definitely worth the wait! The characters are well-developed and not perfect, complex and richly detailed.
Knightsbridge's writing style is clear and compelling and really grabs your interest from page one and keeps you involved to the very end. The murder / mystery plot is very tightly-constructed and although it appears the case is solved at the end of Kill Game ... this story is not over.
4.5 stars and I highly recommend this book!
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