Title: Adam Only (Those Other Books Book 2)
Author: Roe Horvat
Publisher: Beaten Track Publishing
Release Date: May 30, 2019
Genre(s): Erotica, Contemporary Romance
Page Count: 128
Rating: 5 stars out of 5
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FYI - I did not read the first book in this series (how did I miss it?), but feel Adam and Christopher's story works very well as a stand-alone. And apparently, the second book in the series is actually set prior to the first book, so the sequel is really a prequel (?)
In "Adam Only," Roe Horvat combines toe-curling incredibly hot and richly abundant erotic sex with a tender love story and does it well. Adam has a lithe physique and an ethereal glow about him ... although that could be the glitter on his body as Christopher first spots him dancing table-top at a party. Christopher is immediately taken by Adam ... "and Christopher thought of hidden treasures, of sparklers and long winter evenings in bed. He'd found a treasure."
And Adam is captivated by the man who appears threateningly large, but who wants "A partner, friends and a family who visit often, a dog ..." although "it was difficult and exhausting - finding someone who liked him, who wouldn't get bored, who would enjoy the calm and quiet life Christopher wanted." I love how these two men immediately share a sizzling sexual connection, very closely followed by the realization they've found exactly what they were always looking for.
I loved this erotically tender read and recommend it highly! 5 stars for "Adam Only."He wanted to be owned without being shackled. He craved to be used without being punished. He needed a master, but he needed to be free.
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