Title: Torn
Author: Rick R. Reed
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (Reissued by NineStar Press)
Release Date: May 21, 2019 / June 29, 2020
Genre(s): Contemporary Romance
Page Count: 202
Rating: 4 stars out of 5
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Torn. In the context of Rick R. Reed's new novel, Ricky is torn between two lovers (wait, isn't that a song?). As a reviewer, I'm also torn about this book. Firstly, this is not what many M/M readers may consider a contemporary romance. Simply put, Ricky Comparetto's a huge slut, darlin', and arriving at a point in his life where he's pondering ...
My advice to you as you pick up this book is to not expect anything vaguely stereotypically "romantic." Torn rebels against that dream that you'll glance across a crowded room and find your true love forever and ever, amen. It's more a case of glancing across a crowded leather bar and getting f$cked and s$cked in a back room (graced with a sling in the corner and a St. Andrew's Cross.) Or as Ricky says "the floor probably had enough DNA soaked into its concrete to populate an entire country. Maybe the whole world." Ewwww.What had I been doing with my life up to this point? Chasing love through being a slut? I wasn't in my twenties anymore. Had promiscuity ever worked for anyone in terms of finding love, real love? I'd always been sex-positive, but right now I felt like my whole 'out' youth, I'd been trading sexual experience for my soul, my future.
I can't say this is one of my favorite Rick Reed books, and I'm probably not going to read this one again and again, but it's a necessary read. We all want the happy ending (and no, not in the way Ricky gets it in "Torn" again and again, and yes, again). We all want that absolute positive sign from the universe that we are making the Right Decision. But, just suck it up, buttercup. Life is gloriously messy and unexpected and yes, you're going to be "torn" in many directions. 4 stars.
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