Title: Zest: An Accidental Baker story (The Accidental Baker Book 2)
Author: Clare London
Publisher: Clare London
Release Date: August 19, 2019
Genre(s): Contemporary Romance
Page Count: 134
Rating: 4 stars out of 5
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We first meet Donnie and Will in "The Accidental Baker" when Donnie's tasty, but weirdly shaped chocolate Easter eggs bring the two men together into the beginning of a very sweet romance.
Will is captivated by the caring Donnie (and equally enthralled by all the exuberant sex) and they quickly settle down into quiet dinners together, cozy nights at home and working together at Will's veterinary clinic. Will thinks Donnie needs someone to keep him from doing everything for everyone - baking cakes for community events, raising money for a local shelter, helping his large family, etc. - and of course, Will goes about remedying this all wrong. "There were many times in Will's life he wished people were small, pliant, furry animals, much easier to deal with than the mess of emotions and thought processes that made up most humans." Donnie, rightly so, is upset that:
[Will] implied he'd make decisions for them both. That was the real issue. Donnie wondered what'd got into him. He hadn't ever been this assertive. About time, came that stern [internal] voice again.But love prevails and we get a lovely sweet HEA for Donnie and Will. The author is writing novellas (Whisk, Blend and Glaze) about the three other couples introduced in "The Accidental Baker" and I look forward to reading them all! 4 stars.
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