Title: Interlude (The Snow & Winter Collection, #1)
Author: C.S. Poe
Publisher: Emporium Press
Release Date: April 8, 2021
Genre(s): M/M Mystery/Suspense
Page Count: 149
Rating: 5 stars out of 5
I will admit it - I haven't always been the biggest fan of ficlets, drabbles, codas or whatever-you-may-call-them from series authors. But, C.S. Poe's Interlude has blown that out of the water .... and now basically I would pay to read random bar napkin scribblings or a grocery list penned by Poe.
This book of eleven (11) interludes fits in and around the existing "Snow and Winter" series and gives us some deep insight into Calvin (loved "The Good in the World"), the Customer from Hell vs. a nooner, a welcome glimpse into what's going on with Neil (Seb's ex-boyfriend), a belated honeymoon trip, a loving homage to M/M romance novels and the GayRomLit being held in October, 2021 (mark your calendars!) and a few more gems.
I love Poe's awesome writing chops and her subtle humor and sarcastic wit, and I would definitely recommend "Interlude" AND I also look forward to Neil's own series, coming soon. 5 stars!
I received an ARC from the author, in exchange for an honest review.
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