Barricades (World of Love #27)

Title: Barricades (World of Love Book 27)
Author: Dem Had
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Release Date: May 24, 2019
Genre(s): Contemporary Romance
Page Count: 97
Rating: 3 stars out of 5

Read book blurb here

The blurb for "Barricades" caught my interest because I know very little about the conflict between the Greek and Turkish Cypriots. Unfortunately, after reading this book I still know very little about the conflict which "has been compared — in complexity and duration, not bloodshed — to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict." (New York Times, November 7, 2016)

Orestis and Emir meet and quickly fall into lust with one another, then have to deal with the struggle to keep their relationship secret from their families. While their love is passionate, I feel we learn little about their personalities and interests and their characters never really leap off the page. And although the story is fairly short, the story is rapidly wrapped up at the ending, and elsewhere the pace feels stalled at times with Emir constantly worrying if their love will last, what sort of future will they have, etc. As a result of his doubt, Emir cheats on Orestis, as in using a hookup app and finding a cruising area where "I ejaculated countless times, plunging in random mouths, and I lost count of how many dicks passed into my ass." And later we learn that Orestis is aware of Emir's cheating. Personally, cheating is a hard limit for me.

Personally this story just did not "spark" for me, but of course, your results may vary. 3 stars for "Barricades."

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