Perfect Day (New Milton #1)

Title: Perfect Day
Author: Sally Malcolm
Publisher: Carina Press
Release Date: August 13, 2018
Genre(s): Contemporary Romance, Second Chance
Rating: 4.5 stars out of 5

Read book blurb here

Ooh, I adored this story of second chances! Josh and Finn are young passionate lovers who plan to go away to California to start a new life together - Finn as an actor and Josh a concert violinist. But when the moment comes, Josh reneges and remains home with his dysfunctional family. Eight years later, they meet again when Finn's brother buys Josh's familial home in New Milton.

Malcolm writes so beautifully and emotionally of Josh's regret when he sees Finn again and finally realizes he threw away his chance at happiness. The longing and sense of loss Josh feels is just gut-wrenching as it registers that Finn will never forgive him and is heading into a new relationship.
Joshua still mourned what he'd lost in Finn, and nobody knew it but him. Not even Finn. Crazily, he wondered what would happen if he just said it out loud: 'Finn Callaghan is the love of my life.'
The chemistry here is intense and the emotional richness of the sex scenes particularly moving. I adored almost everything about "Perfect Day" ... except for the subplot about Finn's involvement with Joshua's friend and fellow teacher Liz. Without giving away too much, it went too far, and then was resolved quickly with a HEA for Liz in a matter of a few sentences. But other than this, I loved the book and give it 4.25, let's call it 4.5 stars, and give "Perfect Day" a recommended read.

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