Title: Heroes in Love
Author: David C. Dawson
Publisher: Boroughs Publishing Group
Release Date: January 20, 2020
Genre(s): Contemporary Romance, Second Chance
Page Count: 266
Rating: 4.5 stars out of 5
Blurb: Read book blurb here
Heroes in Love is a multi-layered story of love and loss, of hope and happiness. Billy and Daniel meet by accident and fall into a rather lovely relationship - one that feels easy and natural, and which strangers assume is years old rather than a matter of months.
Daniel is music director of a theatre group called Therapy on Stage, using music and drama as therapy for kids of all abilities, while Billy is a former actor, now social worker. Their path to a HEA is never much in doubt, but I loved seeing their relationship unfold ... not to mention a very steamy shag on an outdoors bed in the garden under the stars.
Contrasting this contemporary love story, Dawson also gives us a relationship between two men who first met in their mid 20s during the 1960's, at a time when homosexuality was still illegal in the UK. Cambridge figures prominently into bringing these two men back together, and I love the pastoral setting Dawson creates, with Billy and Daniel punting down the river on a goregous day with a gorgeous New Zealander at the helm - Simon, Billy's ex-boyfriend.
While I've read (and liked) Dawson's earlier mystery/suspense novels, personally I think he has hit his stride with Heroes in Love, which I found to be a very satisfying richly textured love story. 4.5 stars!
Thank you so much!