Title: Death Overdue (A Detective Heath Barrington Mystery #5)
Author: David S. Pederson
Publisher: Bold Strokes Books
Release Date: July 14, 2020
Genre(s): Historical Murder / Mystery
Page Count: 216
Rating: 4.5 stars out of 5
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Pederson's latest book, set in Milwaukee in the late 1940's where homosexuality was still illegal, is his best to date. Detective Heath Barrington has a very personal stake in the case as the murder / mystery involves a man attempting to blackmail Heath over his relationship with Office Alan Keyes.
We really get a sense of how difficult it was to be a gay man in this period of time, always on guard and never sure of anyone's motivations. Heath inserts himself in the middle of a murder investigation where he needs to solve the case without making anyone in the department aware of the blackmail and why he is being targeted.
The author, as always, does an exceptional job with the time period and gives us all the little details that make 1948 spring to life. The characters here are nicely fleshed-out and we also get some insight into what life was like for queer women as well. The array of suspects keeps our interest as Heath works through the clues and slowly resolves the case, giving us a bittersweet ending.
This book works for me because we got a more personal view of Heath and Alan's relationship as well as a keen view of societal attitudes. 4.5 stars for "Death Overdue."
I received an ARC from the Publisher, via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.
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