Title: Scandal at the Salty Dog (Secrets and Scrabble #4)
Author: Josh Lanyon
Publisher: JustJoshin Publishing
Release Date: May 31, 2021
Genre(s): M/M Cozy Mystery
Page Count: 196
Rating: 4 stars out of 5
Lanyon's Secrets and Scrabble series continues to be utterly charming, fortified with murder, mystery .... and pirates. It's pretty much the ideal trifecta, in my opinion.
This book gives us a little bit of this, a dab of that, and it feels like catching up on old friends. There's the very attractive Dr. Mane at the Med Center, Nora and the Silver Sleuths are afoot, Ellery is reluctantly looking for a new employee at the Crow's Nest and then there's Jack ...
The thought of Jack made Ellery smile, but the thing between them still felt so new, so fragile, he didn't want to ... handle it too much. Didn't want to overthink it. but so far so good. In fact, so much better than he had even hoped.
And it turns out Buck Island has another secret - pirate tunnels! - and these tunnels, a holdover from pirate days and a handy place for stowing illegal loot, play a part in the mystery of how food is disappearing from the Salty Dog kitchen. In addition, elderly recluse Juliet Blackwell claims to see the ghost of legendary pirate Rufus Blackwell, and Ellery wonders if the "ghost" is using the pirate tunnels.
Yes, Ellery is once again reluctantly involved in solving mysteries, and while I didn't personally find this murder mystery gripping, I'm looking forward to getting to know Ellery's new employee, wonder what Nora will next find to investigate, hope Dr. Mane doesn't get in the way of Jack and Ellery's budding relationship, and can't wait for their next adventure. 4 stars.
I received an ARC from the author, via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.
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