Title: Stranger in the House
Author: Josh Lanyon
Publisher: JustJoshin Publishing
Release Date: February 18, 2020
Genre(s): Mystery / Suspense
Page Count: 114
Rating: 3 stars out of 5
Read book blurb here
American schoolteacher Miles Tuesday is stunned to learn he has inherited a huge mansion in Montreal from his mother's close friend Madame Martel. Miles also can't figure out why he received this $9M inheritance rather than Madame's two sons, Oliver and Linley. As a young boy, Miles had a terrible crush on Linley, and was devastated to have Linley destroy his dreams of becoming a painter, telling Miles he just didn't see that spark in his paintings.
I've been on a bit of a Josh Lanyon kick lately, but this novella did not work for me personally. At around 110 pages, too much is devoted to creating the situation and the setting IMHO. Miles can't figure out why he inherited, and honestly, even at the end of the novella, we readers are equally unsure. The mysterious / vaguely paranormal elements are tossed around as window dressing and the mystery is lightly-fleshed out and quickly solved in a matter of pages.
I would have liked more in-depth character development of Miles and Linley and because we don't really know these characters, their romance feels .... shallow? Again, this is only my opinion and Your Mileage May Vary. 3 stars for "Stranger in the House."
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